Meet the One World Government
Christians should stop fretting about the One World Government because it's a fait accompli. We should fact facts and start fighting it head on.
Today I’m writing about another significant sign that we could already be headed into the Sixth Millennium End Times: the existence of a one-world government predicted by the Bible. And if that’s true, what should we do about it?
Christian escatology has long been awaiting a giant development: the arrival of an Antichrist-led world government,1 a new “Roman Empire” that will take control of the world and enslave us all, outlawing Christian worship and requiring people to be marked as loyal subjects. Let’s see how Daniel described this final kingdom:
And there shall be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron, because iron breaks to pieces and shatters all things. And like iron that crushes, it shall break and crush all these…. And … it shall be a divided kingdom[.]
Daniel 2:40-41.
Remember that word “divided.” We’ll come back to it.
Christians have often guessed that the United Nations could become the one-world government predicted by the Bible, maybe by the year 2030.2 Others point to secret societies and “hints” by politicians like George Herbert Walker Bush of a “new world order,” the “novus ordo seclorum” as mentioned on the back of the dollar bill.3
You’ve probably heard about one or more of these theories, and rightly expected a vast new bureaucracy, some shiny leader wearing high-tech underpants or a leather jumpsuit surrounded by legions of robot warriors bristling with laser weapons, or maybe you thought it would be run by an artificial intelligence supercomputer named HAL or Dolores or something. “Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that right now.”
But guess what? Satan is the father of lies. He successfully disguised the takeover, which happened while we were all sleeping. We shot right past the revolution while we were watching a Youtube video of a cat teasing a monkey wearing a clown suit.
The proof the one-world government already exists is that over a handful of days in March, 2020, every government in the world moved in lockstep to implement a constitution-shredding covid policy — without voting, without meetings of parliaments or congresses, without any legal process, and without public debate of any kind. In fact, debate was promptly squashed everywhere its chatty little head popped up.
Democracies, monarchies, socialist republics and communist dystopias, every one,4 they all accepted the same highly-controversial pandemic logic, and every one effortlessly evaded each and every legal and political safeguard on the planet. The nations, who supposedly can’t agree on anything, suddenly all acted as “one.” Because science!
In other words, somebody made a phone call, and the world leaders followed orders. And every nation enthusiastically jumped into line without a peep of protest. How I would love to have listened in on one of those calls.
Whatever happened behind the scenes, wherever those calls came from, welcome to one-world government! I’m telling you that they did it. They’ve done it. It’s done. The fat lady sang and now she’s at home relaxing in her oversized tub. There’s nothing to stop anymore, because the one-world government predicted by the Bible is already here. We just hadn’t seen it’s beastly visage until March 2020.
And, despite your expectations of something more … impressive and grand … it looks just like the Bible predicted it would look.
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that the nations should have collapsed into some single undifferentiated political unit with a new capital someplace, maybe Brussels or Davos.
But no previous world government ran like that. Egypt, Bablyon, Persia, Rome, the Ottomans; they all ruled their known worlds using “vassal states,” defined by Wikipedia as follows:
A vassal state is any state that has a mutual obligation to a superior state or empire, in a status similar to that of a vassal in the feudal system in medieval Europe. Vassal states were common among the empires of the Near East, dating back to the era of the Egyptian, Hittite and Mitanni conflict, as well as ancient China. The use of vassal states continued through the Middle Ages, with the last empire to use such states being the Ottoman Empire.
The relationships between vassal rulers and empires was dependent on the policies and agreements of each empire. While payment of tribute and military service is common amongst vassal states, the degree of independence and benefits given to vassal states varied. Today, more common terms are puppet state, protectorate, client state, associated state or satellite state.
Vassal states can govern themselves regarding local matters, and they maintain an appearance of independence, which makes the locals less cranky and more cooperative. Here is a Quora Q&A (focused on the Roman Empire) that neatly explains why vassal states are the best model for a one-world government. Hint: it’s cheaper and easier to manage.
That’s how empires do it. It’s way too costly to try to occupy every country by force. You just control the leader at the top, and let him or her do the dirty work. Can you see now how they accomplished it?
The Bible never described the unified political system that everyone was waiting for. It clearly contemplates the existence of “nations” — plural — at the Second Coming. In Matthew 25, Jesus described separating the people of the nations — plural — into “sheep” and “goats”:
When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
Matthew 25:30-31.
All the nations. All of them. All. Not “the nation.” Not “the one-world government.” Just like the other historical empires, the end-times empire will be a collection of vassal states ruled by a single dictator. Or maybe I should say, the end-times empire is a collection of vassal states governed by a single, currently invisible dictator.
After witnessing how easily the world governments were controlled during the pandemic, you cannot easily convince me that the United States is not a vassal state, along with all the other nations, ruled by some unseen, central, dictatorial government. We could add lots of other examples and evidence.
So who is the dictator behind the curtain? We don’t know. But it’s clearly someone who doesn’t want us plebeians to know they even exist. Does that surprise you? You might have thought that he would want to be featured in TikTok videos and proclaiming the law from a giant metal throne somewhere. But, if you think about it, why would he want us to know anything about him, until he is ready?
We don’t need to know.
Ruling the world from behind the curtain is way easier. Whoever it is, he is much too important for TikTok.
So, What Are Christians Supposed To Do About It?
Christians’ preoccupation with the coming one-world government blinds us to the fact that it is already here. The Church is asleep at the switch, because we think the one-world system is still coming. That is, we think it isn’t here yet.
That’s a strong delusion Satan is happy to let us continue believing.
If the world’s unseen dictator can lock down the United States and enforce medical mandates without a single vote by Congress, the Senate, the state legislatures or even county commissions, what can’t he do?
Remember — Daniel described the final kingdom as a “divided” kingdom. It’s not fully unified — and it never will be.
The invisible dictator can’t do everything. He’s limited by hiding behind the curtain, and he’s limited by the vassal-state structure. Over the medium and long terms the vassal states tend to drift. The invisible government might control the vassal states, but it does not exercise full control over them, especially not over all their many internal political subdivisions, like states and counties. Recall that even the Romans had to invade their vassal state Israel in 70AD to destroy Jerusalem — even though it had installed a puppet government there. There were too many rebels.
Here’s my prescription for the Church given the fact of an invisible one-world dictator, who is possibly even the Antichrist:
Wake up and recognize that the final one-world government is already here.
Stop feeling helpless, and believe that the Church is more powerful than Satan.
Appreciate that Americans have more religious power than citizens of other nations.
Be audible and visible instead of silent and invisible.
We covered discussed the truth of one-world government. Let’s talk about the next three points.
The Church Is Not Helpless
You might be wondering how we can possibly fight an invisible dictator — maybe even the Antichrist himself — who grips all the world governments, with all their armies and all their navies and all their nuclear weapons? What can we do? Isn’t the situation completely overwhelming? Aren’t we totally outmatched? After all, we don’t have any armies or navies or nuclear bombs. My goodness, where would we even start?
We start by recognizing that we hold the power, not the Antichrist or some dumb invisible dictator holding kompromat on every world leader.
First of all, Jesus promised us that Satan will never beat the Church.
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 16:18–19.
Jesus meant it. Here’s what the Evangelical Commentary on the Bible says about that passage, in part:
This means that Satan and the demons under his control will never prevail against the church, but will on the contrary be vanquished by the church’s Lord; and that the gates of the realm of death “will never close on the new community so that it is irretrievably extinguished”—for Jesus will defeat death (Rev. 1:18). Moreover, Jesus conquers Satan and death by building his church. The church does more than withstand assaults from evil powers; it advances against them, which is why those powers so vehemently oppose the church and its leaders.
J. Knox Chamblin, “Matthew,” in Evangelical Commentary on the Bible, vol. 3, Baker Reference Library (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1995), 742.
See? Our role is not just a defensive one. The “Gates” are the defensive devices. We’re supposed to storm the gates of Hell, which shall not prevail against us. In other words, Jesus expects us to be on the attack. He promised we’d win.
Finally, the Bible fortells that the Church will be so annoying to the Antichrist that he will order Christians to be killed in the last days, which will really disrupt his carefully-plotted plans to set up a fake kingdom of peace and security:
I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands.
Revelation 20:4.
The Church will still be here, still causing problems for the Antichrist and his one-world government, right up until the bitter end.5 There’s no reason for us to feel overwhelmed, outgunned, or outmatched. That’s a satanic lie. We should feel confident, empowered, and victorious.
Ordinary American Christians Have More Power Than Anyone
Who knows when the invisible dictator first assumed control, but it had to be relatively recently. America has a long tradition of religious freedom that is protected and enshrined in our laws in a thousand ways. There are more 9-0 Supreme Court opinions supporting religious freedom than for any other legal issue, maybe even all of the other issues put together.
In fact, Christian pastors might be the most protected class of any group. They could legally stand outside county commissions condemning gay marriages and trans story hours all day and all night, and there’s not one thing the government can legally do about it.
Even ordinary Christians are extremely well protected when it comes to speech, the Logos, the Word of God more powerful and effective than any nuclear weapon:
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12.
We just have to believe it.
But despite all those rights, you know what Christians don’t do these days? We don't talk about the Bible much. Not in public, anyway. We’ve been cowed into quietude, shamed into silence, canceled and muzzled in the public square. In fact, we're constantly being encouraged to conform to the world, so as to avoid conflict, and to avoid hurting unsaved people's feelings.
Even some of our own evangelical leaders are publicly telling us to quit yammering about sin and help celebrate it instead:6

But celebrating sin to get along is the reverse opposite of what the Bible teaches. We are to shape the world, not be shaped by it:
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2.
Here’s the bottom line: even as an independent vassal state, the U.S. still has a Constitution and has a myriad of laws protecting religious liberty. The Church needs to wake up to the times and start using the full force of our religious freedom rights.
Fight Back
If I am right about the reality of one-world government, and I think I am, then we are in the end game now. Nothing matters but the Kingdom (if it ever did). The Church should develop an organized resistance based on the reality of where we are now and what we can legally do. It needs to call on every Christian, activating them into duty, at every level, coordinating the response. Our people are everywhere.
What kinds of things could the Church be doing? Let me give you a few examples.
Suppose a pastor called on his entire congregation to show up at every school board meeting to protest sexualized books, openly trans teachers, virus masks, and pronoun policies, until the school board agreed to change those things.
Suppose a pastor in D.C. called on his congregation including lots of federal workers to stand up at work, to oppose non-Christian or anti-Christian policies, and to be whistleblowers wherever needed.
Suppose Christians flooded newspapers and blogs with letters bursting with Scripture, morals, values, and ethics? And what if we always wore Christian-themed shirts and pins and put bumper stickers on our cars and put up flyers and posters in every coffee shop? And what if all those things featured plainly-worded, blunt messages about right and wrong? And what if we never shut up about it?
I’m not talking about being obnoxious or disrespectful. I’m talking about being visible and audible instead of being invisible and quiet. I’m talking about using our legal rights to deploy our spiritual weapons, especially (but not only) here in the United States of America.
I’m calling for the Church to WAKE UP! To not be afraid of anything, but especially not to be afraid of cancel culture, political correctness, or false teachers. Rejoice, for the hour is later than we thought. And for Christians, that is terrific news.7
See, e.g., Daniel 2:40-44, 7:23, and Revelation 13:7-8.
See, e.g., Christianity Today, “The 2030 Agenda One World Government“, published February 2023 at:
See, e.g., Gospel News Network, “The End Times New World Order Promised to Us by George HW Bush Is About to Be Delivered Through a Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Presidency“, published December 2020 at:
Yes, I know about Sweden. If one outlier bothers you, consider that Sweden, where CERN and the WEF live by the way, might just have been the control group.
There’s a fair debate about what form the Church will take during the Great Tribulation. If Christians are raptured, then who is getting beheaded? The majority view is these are “Tribulation Saints,” people called to Christ after pre-Tribulation Christians have already departed the scene.
I’m not singling gay people out. Anti-Biblical sexual libertinism is the current issue.
Even if I’m wrong, and I certainly could be, everything I’ve suggested remains the best course for Christians and the Church.
Thank you, Jeff, for this post. About two years ago I started purchasing Christian shirts. Starting during Pride month last year I thought, hey, I can wear what I’m proud of and every day during the month of June and almost every day since then I have worn shirts and hats with Christian messages. I often wonder if it matters to anyone. It rarely starts a conversation and never with anyone who challenges me. I have had the thought before that maybe it’s doing things I’m not aware of. Perhaps I’m encouraging other believers to be bold in their faith or showing them we are one person stronger of a body of Christ than they realized. But the end of this post was just the encouragement I needed not to give up my simple ministry of always wearing the word of God on my shirt (I have about 50 different ones now) or my favorite hoodie emblazoned with the name of Jesus across it. I do my best work being kind to masked shoppers in Trader Joe’s. 🤣 so thank you for encouraging me. Keep this sub stack going. I love coffee and covid but I need this even more. You do great work. God bless you.
It started decades ago. My mother knew, which is why she wrote this poem in 1962. She was awarded two Valley Forge Medal of Freedom honors for two other patriotic poems: "Pledge of Faith" (1962) and "This Nation Under God" (1963). She gave all she had in subsequent years: letters to the editor, school board meetings, etc., and was shunned, ignored or called insane because of that. I have boxes of her materials and writings dating back to the 1950s.
Wake Up, America!
Wake up, America, our country’s at war!
We’ve been invaded by a faceless corps,
No guns, no tanks, no planes overhead
But round us the enemy with silent tread…
Gray shapes drift through the countryside,
Shadowy figures who strike, then hide;
Hitting our schools, churches, unions, and then
They retreat for a while to advance again.
“Invaded,” you say, “but how can it be?
Why, this is the land of sweet liberty—
No invader's foot has touched our shore –
How can you say we are at war?”
Look around you, friend. Turn off the TV.
Open your eyes and you will see,
Like an overripe fruit they’ve said we’d fall
On doses of socialism seasoned with gall.
Say there, clerk, you with the chewing gum—
Don’t you know the battle’s begun?
Oh! I’m too emotional? There’s no danger here?
The only thing we need fear is fear?
Well, you’re right little man, but I’m not afraid,
I just want to see an effort made
To route the enemy from these gentle shores
And then move on till he is no more;
Erase him completely from the face of earth
And pave the way for freedom’ s rebirth.
“Who is the enemy?” you mean you don’t know?
He’s a hodgepodge of matter who at the word GO,
Strides through the world oblivious to reason,
Securing his goal with lies, murder and treason.
Methods don’t matter: results are what count
And clunking along the casualties mount.
How many chained, tortured? How many dead?
For how many the answer, “Better dead than Red”?
No guns, no tanks, no planes overhead
But round us the enemy with silent tread…
For each alien soldier, ten willing dupes
Swelling the ranks of the enemy troops.
But listen, what is that rustling noise I hear?
Are the grassroots stirring both far and near?
Is there a whirring of wings across our land?
Yes, it’s the American Eagle—he’s taking a stand!
Too long he’d been sleeping secure in his nest,
Great wings folded, head on his breast;
Till startled, he heard the grassroots rustling
And, looking down, saw his countryman hustling
To man the barricades.
Screaming defiance, down he swoops,
Strong wings flailing the ferret faced troops,
Setting them scurrying in sheer desperation
Back to the Kremlin—and mass liquidation.
Now, high, wide and handsome, the Eagle is flying
And all over the world glad voices are crying:
“They’ve done it again! Once more we are free.
Thank God for America and liberty!”
The moral of the tale we know full well,
“Good intentions pave the road to hell.”
The moral known, the lesson learned—
Freedom and respect must both be earned. – Rita S. Brehm ©1962